My name is Dave Beioley, my wife Anne and I bought our first Bull Terrier bitch in late 1958 early 1959. We have been professional breeders of Bull Terriers since the late 1960s in Melbourne under the Prefix, DABEWS. We moved to Queensland 37 ago, to retire; we built a couple of houses, then being thoroughly bored with life decided to attend the Easter show put on by the Bull Terrier Club of Sydney to have a look at the dogs and the Miniatures in particular. Margaret Burgoine of the Bodalla Kennels was very kind in allowing us to take ch Bodalla Lil Shepherdess to Queensland to start our Miniature Adventure, this was in 1995
The focus of our breeding program has changed. Whilst we are still interested in Bull Terriers, we now concentrate solely on Miniatures, this threw up one of the most interesting challenges, there was no breeding stock in Miniature Bull Terriers with the outstanding virtues that could be found in best Bull Terriers.
It is now our twenty-fourth year of breeding Miniatures. The first litter of Miniatures we bred were nothing to write home about, the word mediocre would describe them perfectly and so we realized that we would have to work on type, make and shape plus substance.
We were fortunate that the Canine Control Council of Queensland were allowing breeders to mate a Standard Bull Terrier to a Miniature and register all of the pups who were Interbred as Miniatures, this helped greatly in improving breed type and also in cleaning out a lot of the health problems that were inherent in the Miniatures, the disadvantage was that all of the offspring were oversize.
The next step was to find a very well made bull Terrier to mate to our Miniature bitch, this was easier said than done, we decided that we would have to breed one.
A local bull Terrier breeder Ray Gault had produced a very nice litter of Bull Terriers and had placed a brindle bitch pup with a friend, the friend decided to part with her when his girlfriend left him, Ray asked us to have a look at her, she was beautiful, her name was Wanel Princess Petite; we took her home with us; besides being an outstanding specimen she had what we consider a great breeding virtue, she was 1/4 of an inch overshot.
There was a very decent Miniature dog in Redcliffe that Margaret Bergoine had sold as a pet his name was Bodalla Lil Sinbad; we decided to mate him to Princess when she was old enough, there were 9 pups in the litter, the one that we kept was a small dark brindle bitch, very well made with a plain head, her name was Dabews Wee Bambi. (Wee )
A few months later I was a spectator at a dog show being judged by a specialist judge who was busy showing how little he knew about our breed when I spotted a beautifully made brindle dog, he ended up in third place, he went on to become Champion Burkin Sir Basil, as the girl showing him came out of the ring I approached her to arrange a mating with our lovely Princess, the resulting litter of 10 produced a very nice white dog pup who became Champion Dabews Lord Donahue, (Danny).
We subsequently mated Danny to Bambi, doubling up on Princess thereby further diluting the Miniature bloodlines, their problems, and producing a very well made litter, I have closely bred to the previously named dogs and their offspring to produce the lovely animals that have appeared in the show ring, some of whom appear in Our Dogs.